One of the most important business development decisions is ascertaining product mix to attract customers. Warrior Wares formally Warrior Wears wanted to diversify its product line, prompting Pennyborne Development to suggest a company name change. Expanding from a retail clothing line to an urban lifestyle line, we sought to create a name that encompasses their new focus.

However, by adding new products, we had to review each new product, as each product carries its own investment, life cycle, and risk. It is a numbers game where you must determine which product will lead, ask if certain products will have a seasonal following, and which product will be the work-horse of the company. 

But diversification also means more than just adding new products. Pennyborne Development also reviewed their older products, revamping several and aiding in the design of others. Pulling from knowledge of graphic design, art history, the urban history of Detroit, and marketing, we help shape a wares line that celebrates Detroit and its diverse history. 

You can view Warrior Wares' storefront on Click here.

Coming Soon: Warrior Wares' Website


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